Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Colors... {DFW photographer}

Hello Cattura land!!!  I'm back!  I'm revived, refreshed, and ready to get back to everything that I love most!!

While I was out of pocket, Jonathan and I had the luxury of taking a break from this brutal Texas summer and escape to the pure beauty of the Colorado mountains.  Not only were the temperatures far more pleasent (that's just a given!), but I must say absolutely STUNNING landscapes!  And the colors, everything was extra vibrant.  From the crystal blue lakes, fresh green tundra, stunning wildflowers, to even the simply worn walls painted around the quaint townsquares...everything was so rich and beautiful! 
(Photo courtesy of my trusty iPhone camera from our campsite just outside of Breckenridge, CO.  Even the iPhone camera helps show the vibrancy...I mean check out that sky!!)

Now compare that to our current Texas landscapes, where everything seems to be a bit muted...colors faded by the constant brutal sunlight.  I can barely even keep my flowers alive!  Oh well, beige or not, I absolutely love the great state of Texas!  Guess I'll just plan to spend my summers in Colorado in the future...but Texas, you will always have my heart!!  :)