Friday, April 8, 2011

Sabrina B is 6 months old! {Lewisville Baby Photographer}

Sabrina "the Fighter" is now 6 months old!! 
Miss Sabrina has gotten so big in just a few short months.  You may remember Sabrina's last portrait session within the NICU, where I had the honor of capturing this new family of 3's first family portrait session.  Well, I'm proud to say this tough little cookie is doing wonderfully, and growing into those beautiful baby blues!!  It was so fun to watch Sabrina's personality shine in the midst of her very own bedroom.  

 This little sweetheart is wrapped in so much, dad, and even Mr. Hooch, the family's Mastiff.  A dog lover myself, I couldn't help but engage Hooch in the portrait session,  Such a sweet face! And, I absolutely loved the fact that he was always within close proximity throughout Sabrina's whole session.  Hooch is definitely going to give all those boys a run for their money in the future!

I love watching this sweet angel grow into a beautiful baby!  I can't wait to see her in another few months. 

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Amber is 15! {Dallas Quinceanera Photographer}

Quinceanera:  Traditionally, a hispanic celebration of a girl's 15th birthday, marking her passage from childhood to adulthood.

Miss Amber is now 15, and what better way than to kick it all off with a rockin quinceanera?!  I meet lots of teens who strive to fit in with the crowd, including myself way back when!!  But, I just loved how she incorporated her invidualism into the whole event, starting with her dress.  I traditionally see big ballgown dresses, in a rainbow of colors, some with bling and all with tons of tuille.  Amber walked that traditional line, utilizing her favorite color purple, with the big hoop skirt, but I just loved the pop of zebra print she mixed in for flare.  I'm always a fan of the twist on the traditional, and this got 2 gold stars in my book!

Amber was a breeze to photograph!  Those freckles, those eyes, that smile, and that ATTITUDE!  Now don't misunderstand that word as negative.  I always appreciate when my subjects have attitude and aren't afraid to let it shine.  I think it allows them to demand the attention, work the camera, and not allow the camera to simply work them.  Muy importante!  Amber had it all!

Happy birthday Amber!!