New: {noo, nyoo} 1.) Of a kind now existing or appearing for the first time. 2.) Having but lately come to a place, position, status, etc.
Vintage: {vin·tage} 1.) Representing the high quality of a past time. 2.) Old-fashioned or obsolete
Yes, a contradiction, but my new birthday gift is definitely the epidemy of vintage. While shopping one afternoon, my very sneaky sister, managed to distract me just long enough to purchase this AMAZING Falcon fold out camera, Model No.4.
You'd think it would be breeze to date this beauty, however I've had a rather difficult time on this specific model. (Though, it was more of a Cliffs Notes version of a search) I have learned that the Falcon-Abbey Electricamera was the first camera with a flashbulb holder. Isn't she simply stunning?...dust, grime, and all!
Thank you sissy!! This is one of the neatest gifts I've ever received!